Expanse Intelligence Database

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Star Wars Armada Wave II

On 6 April 2015 Wave 2 was announced, offering additional fighter squadrons and ships including the first ships on "large" bases for both factions.  Wave II includes the following expansion packs for the core game.
  • Imperial-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack
  • MC30c Frigate Expansion Pack
  • Home One Expansion Pack
  • Rogues and Villains Expansion Pack
  • Imperial Raider Expansion Pack
The Imperial-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack brings this behemoth battleship to your games of Armada with one pre-painted miniature, two ship cards, three command dials, eighteen upgrades, and all requisite tokens.

The MC30c frigate expansion pack contains two command dials and ten upgrade cards, along with all the tokens you need to bring this Rebel ship to battle. Of course, as with other Armada expansion packs, the MC30c Frigate Expansion Pack also comes with two ship cards that let you field your MC30c as either the MC30c Scout Frigate or MC30c Torpedo Frigate.

Admiral Ackbar flagship star cruiser, Home One, features one large-size, pre-painted miniature MC80 star cruiser, two ship cards, three command dials, and fourteen upgrades.

The Imperial Raider expansion pack comes with a command dial, speed dial, and all the tokens you need to enter the fray.

The Rogues and Villains Expansion Pack features Han Solo, Boba Fett, and a handful of the galaxy's most notorious rogues and villains.

These five expansion packs of Star Wars Armada Wave II are scheduled to arrive in the third quarter of 2015!  Everyone keep your fingers crossed.

Fantasy Flight Games: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2015/4/6/here-they-come/

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