Expanse Intelligence Database

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Aquan Battleship Derelict Hulk

In a recent post I mentioned that I was converting Aquan Battleship into a burning derelict hulk.  After several weeks I have made some progress.  I took a ship that I received that was already damaged more than likely from being mis-cast and started trying to figure out what to do with it.  How would it look?  Who would have attacked it and what type of damage would it have received?

Here is the beginning of the project, I started by chipping away at various parts and it was looking good.  However I wanted more of a derelict that I could create a back story from.

Therefore I decided that I would create a ship the was ambushed by the Directorate and their mighty plasma weapons.  After several hours of bombardment by a Directorate ambush the Aquan Battle ship could not take anymore.  Their plasma weapons burned holes in the side of the ship, flash vaporized the atmosphere and blew out a section of engineering.  Here is what it looks like after I undercoated it black in prep for detailing.

Next up I need to paint in my standard Aquan scheme and work on the details of the battle damage.  After looking on the internet trying to find out what plasma damage looked like I just decided to wing it.

And I am done.....

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