Expanse Intelligence Database

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Modular Terrain / Tablescapes

Surfing through the interweb I have been noticing a significant surge in modular terrain and tablescape development over the last year and a half.  The selection of these elements for X-Wing, DropZone Commander, Deadzone, etc are amazing.  Some are as simple as using one of those new fangled laser engraving setups to Shapeways 3D printing, to complete 12x12 plastic or resin pieces. This is simply amazing stuff here folks.  This is interchangeable, light, durable, and handcrafted terrain system for your miniature war gaming needs. So what am I talking about, lets check it out.

Battle Systems™ Sci-fi Modular Terrain

Tablescapes - by Secret Weapon Miniatures
These were built specifically for the release with Deadzone from Mantic Games

Burn In Designs

Spartan Scenics

Gale Force Nine (X-Wing)

JR Miniatures (X-Wing)

MERCS: Recon

I know its been awhile since I last posted, however family and work related "adventures" have consumed my time and put my personal projects on hold. Before I leave on my next round of business trips for the next several weeks I wanted to post some of my generic ramblings on various games that I thought were cool and interesting.

First up is MERCS: Recon kickstarter; a complete single player tabletop game from Megacon Games. Apparently I am late to the game on this one and it is fully funded. MERCS: Recon is a fully cooperative, stand-alone game set in the exciting MERCS world. Players infiltrate an opposing MegaCon location, fight through crowded hallways, capture and interrogate employees, find mission objectives, and secure the package.

There are four MERC factions each with their own special abilities and background stories. The year is 2184, many decades ago nations merged with corporations to form giant mega-conglomerates called MegaCons. Nations were dissolved and the military folded into the company. These elite military and counter-security units have been given the acronym MERCS. They represent the tip of the spear. They are involved in everything from internal MegaCon security to reconnaissance and clandestine operations.  The factions are the CCC, EU Inc., KEMVAR, KEIZAI WAZA.

MERCS: Recon kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1700755582/mercs-recon