Expanse Intelligence Database

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Risk: Star Wars Original Trilogy Edition

On a recent trip to my local German Toys 'R' Us I noticed that they were selling a risk game based on the original Star Wars trilogy.  Of course my mind quickly went to how could I incorporate this into my miniature adventures. The map is quite awesome, I plan on using it as the basis of a Star Wars Campaign.  However the small figures are cool too and could be quite useful as 10mm land forces. Now to find it in an english version, and my adventure begins

After coming home and using my Google Fu skills I learned that the game actually came out in Nov 2006 in the United States :( to my surprise.  How did I miss this release?  After more Fu on the web, Amazon, Noble Knight Games, etc, etc I found myself once again at eBay's mercy.  After some eBay Fu little sniping, no not really, I was able to acquire an OOP copy of the game.  Upon opening up the game it was everything that I had hoped.

The game board (below) will be a great Star Wars galactic space battle campaign map.  I just need to finish those darn Tie Fighters, argh.

The game pieces are all plastic.  One Hutt faction and two each Imperial/Rebel factions.  These I might use in a 10mm land battle game, don't know yet.

Lots of pieces!

I thought these game tokens were interesting.  I believe I will reuse the capital ship markers a fleet markers in my campaign.  It should work out nicely.

So I have decided that I am not going to use it to play risk, but if you are here is the skinny on it.

2 to 5 players

There are 3 factions in the game, each with its own victory conditions.

• The Rebellion must find and destroy the Emperor, who will be hiding at one of his Imperial Bases.
• The Empire must eliminate all Rebel forces.
• The Hutts must take control of 10 out of the 13 resource planets (The ones that have the green aura)

Players choose to play as the Rebels, Empire, or Hutts and battle for domination of the Galaxy. The Empire can use the Death Star to terrorize all and the Rebels can grow in the Force as the game goes on by attacking Imperial Bases. Heroes and villains like Luke, Han, Darth Vader, and Boba Fett come into play on the many faction cards that can be played throughout the game. Each faction can enhance their attack with ships.

The game includes 2 Death Stars and enough sculpted pieces representing the Rebels, Empire, and Hutt factions for 5 players. The Risk game play has been updated and enhanced with cards, ships, and The Force to represent the Star Wars Original Trilogy.

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